Upcoming Events

  • Our Lady of Lourdes 11/02/2025
  • Little Lights Toddler Group 11/02/2025 at 09:30 – 11:00 St. Joseph's Community Centre, Brackley Ave, Colwyn Bay LL29 7UU, UK
  • Mass 11/02/2025 at 11:00 – 11:30 St Joseph's Catholic Church, 63 Conway Rd, Colwyn Bay LL29 7LG, UK
  • Mass 11/02/2025 at 11:00 – 12:00
  • Food Hub 12/02/2025 at 10:30 – 12:30

Find Us

The Roman Catholic Parish of St Joseph’s in Colwyn Bay, North Wales, UK

63 Conway Road
Colwyn Bay
LL29 7LG

Parish Council

The Parish Pastoral Council is currently made up of 9 members:

  • Father Vimal OMI
  • Paul Evans (Chairperson)
  • Leah-Anne Hughes (Secretary)
  • Martin Soper
  • Beth Copp
  • Emily Jones
  • Chris Iwobi
  • Vicky Davila
  • Tom Shea

Parish Mission Statement
“As a vibrant community, guided by the Holy
Spirit, we seek to bring the liturgy to life, nurture
creation, and share the diverse gifts and talents
entrusted to us in the service of God.”

“St Joseph’s Pastoral Parish Council” – a group of people which is representative of the parish community as a whole, and whose purpose is to promote the mission of the Church in St Joseph’s parish and to share the pastoral care of the parish as has been entrusted to the pastor.

As members of St. Joseph’s Pastoral Parish Council we believe that we share in the mission of Jesus through our baptism and commitment to the way, truth and life expressed in Holy Scripture and Sacred Tradition.

Aims for the Parish Pastoral Council:
To make the parish a warm, outgoing Eucharistic community.

  • To seek to enrich the quality of parish life by providing opportunities for parishioners to grow in the faith; to discover and live out their personal and community call, and to live out the message of the Gospels as Catholics in today’s society.
  • Provide a democratic representational voice for the Parish and to give Parishioners the opportunity to influence their future.
  • Ensure that the profile of the Pastoral Parish Council is maintained at a high level allowing it to communicate well with all groups in the Parish, guiding the church community in uniting the Parish.
  • Assist the Finance Committee to manage Parish assets and finances effectively and efficiently to achieve best value.
  • Promote integration of the Catholic Primary School in Parish activities and vice versa.
  • Help create a socially inclusive and caring community which respects the dignity of all residents, irrespective of age, gender, culture, income, race or religion and will seek to develop mutual cooperation with all, where such cooperation respects Church teaching and Canon Law in careful keeping with the guidance of the universal Church and our Bishop.
  • Improve and support the quality of life for all those living and working in the Parish.
  • Preserve the environment of the Parish.

The Parish Pastoral Council Directives:

  • Grow in understanding and knowledge of what is already happening in the parish.
  • Encourage and support the good work being done by existing groups within the parish.
  • Seek out and respond to the hopes, ideas, needs and concerns of parishioners.
  • Make decisions that reflect the values of the Gospel and the teachings of the Church.
  • Set long-term and short term goals for the Parish.
  • Provide opportunities for parishioners to grow in their relationship with God and with each
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