Mazenod Youth Groupis for people aged 15-25 years old and meets on the third Thursday of each month 6:30pm – 8:30pm at St. Joseph’s Comunity Centre. It is a relaxed session, for all of our older youth, building on Friendships and Faith.
Feel free to come along. You do not need to be of Catholic denomination, this group is open to all Christian faiths.
Mazenod Youth Group
(Anyone 15+ can participate) on every third Thursday of the month at
St. Joseph’s Community Centre, Brackley Avenue, Colwyn Bay
6:30pm – 8:00pm.
For more information speak to Father Vimal or contact:
You are all welcome!
We will be looking at the history and natural environment as we walk and how we tie in with our Catholic Faith. Please bring food and drink with you.
Guides: Father Vimal and Paul Evans.
For more information speak to Father Vimal or contact: office@stjosephsrcc.org.uk
You are all welcome!